About Us
Founded in 1998, Gentle Spirit Christian Church is an independent, affirming and progressive church serving metro Atlanta. We are open, positive and inclusive.
Who we are
An independent Christian congregation where people are encouraged to have a personal relationship with God that is supported, not defined, by the church.
We believe the neighbor is a stranger who presents a need. The stranger is to be welcomed as Christ.
God never gives up on you. So long as you have a spark, an ember of faith in your heart, God will do all that’s in God’s power to fan that into a full-blown bonfire. That’s how much God loves you. That’s God’s job.
We’re here to support you. To walk with you. To believe in you.
We affirm
Everyone is a child of God, created in God’s image and deserving of a direct relationship with God. Inspired by the teaching of Jesus to “love your neighbor as yourself,” we free ourselves of the temptation to judge or to define sin or salvation for anyone but ourselves in the context of that powerful relationship to our Creator.
Our congregation
A community where each member is viewed as a unique creation of God.
We welcome
Everyone without regard to ethnicity, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital/economic status, physical ability, political affiliation, age, sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.
Our mission
Bring the message of redemption and grace to those people who have been victims of oppression, rejection and misinformation and to assure them they are true heirs in the realm of God.
Statement of faith
We believe in God as the Parent and Creator of all things. We believe Jesus made his divine sacrifice for all people, without exception, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or any other human-created division of the human race. We believe in the Holy Spirit, of God and from God, sent to empower, guide and comfort all of God’s creation. We believe in the Holy Universal Church as an all-encompassing body of believers, dedicated to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
We envision an inclusive church community committed to worshipping God freely in an atmosphere of grace, forgiveness, unconditional love and individual growth.
We are an endorser of the Religious Declaration on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing.
Founding mission
We are a fellowship dedicated to the spreading the Gospel of Jesus the Christ to all people in an open, affirming and inclusive manner. Our outreach includes AIDS programs, ministries for the homeless, affirming ministries to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning communities, campus and bar ministries, and participation in those activities which promote social justice and equality for all. Our mission is to bring the message of redemption and grace to those people who have been victims of oppression, rejection and misinformation and to assure them they are true heirs in the realm of God.
These 7 scriptures are the basis for our core beliefs
John 14:1-4
John 3:16-18
James 3:17-18
Micah 6:8
Matthew 22:34-40
Matthew 25:31-40
Romans 8:31-39