You’re in the right place
We’re an independent, affirming and progressive church serving metro Atlanta that is open, positive and inclusive. Our congregation comes from many spiritual backgrounds, but we agree on the following and invite you to come worship with us and experience God’s love in a whole new way.
God loves you unconditionally
God passionately desires a direct relationship with you, just the way you are.
Your relationship with God is paramount
No one, no institution, no thing, should come between you and God.
Your faith is between you and God
God does God’s best work when there are no intermediaries between you and God.
Sunday worship
Pushing Out Into Deep Water
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany | Sermon: Rev. Paul M. Turner, Senior Pastor | Reading: Luke 5:1-11 When he finished teaching, he said to Simon, “Push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch.” (Verse 4)
Meet our staff
We come from varied backgrounds and faith traditions but agree on one thing: All God’s children deserve to have a personal relationship with God that is supported, not defined, by the church.
Rev. Judy McVey
Associate Pastor
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