Rev. Paul M. Turner

Prayers & Praises

LET US PRAY: Lord God, our souls long for you and for your glory, for the day when it shall be said, “All is accomplished! Now your kingdom comes. Now your day appears. When we look back on all that has happened to us, everything becomes clear.” We thank you that we can live refreshed and renewed, from the good you give on earth. Guide us in the way we have to go. Grant your blessing in our hearts so that in need and death, in fear and distress, we may always have light and strength. You are our salvation. We praise your name, and in you we hope for the day you hold in readiness for the whole world, the day when light will dawn in every heart. Amen.


PRAYERS FOR: At 12 noon each Friday: about bringing justice, fairness and acceptance for our LGBT brothers and sisters. We are asking you to pray for equality before the law everyone and equal protection and treatment for all of God’s children.

PRAISE GOD AND PRAYERS FOR: Alyce – Walking really good now. To remember to get out and walk more.

PRAYER FOR: James’ mom to find a caregiver.

PRAYERS FOR: To keep all of us centered.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul – Had 3 couples this week for counseling – all having communications problems in their marriages.

PRAYERS FOR: Bill- His sister, Deb, diagnosed with dementia. Her Nephew who is having to make decisions for her.

PRAYERS FOR: The entire Pabst family.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Lamce – Brother found safe passage out of airpor in Hawaii yesterday.

PRAYERS FOR: Socks and Book bag for Paul M.

PRAYERS FOR: Dan Chomen facing surgery.

PRAYERS FOR: Continued healing for Dana’s grandson, Alden and her Son In Law William from their accident.

PRAYERS FOR: Those who aren’t with us.

PRAYERS FOR: The return of Bible study.

PRAYERS FOR: For Peace, Love, and Understanding around the globe.

PRAYERS FOR: The unhoused to find cool shelter in this heat.

PRAISE GOD AND PRAYERS FOR: Some county cooling centers are open. Prayers for the unhoused and that the counties provide more.

PRAYERS FOR: The hostages in Gaza.


PRAYERS FOR: An end to the war in Ukraine.

PRAYERS FOR: All the war-torn places and troubled areas of the world, and all those people living in them.

PRAISE GOD AND PRAYERS FOR: Keeping Billy safe at work.

PRAYERS FOR: Henry, Gary , Bob Minor’s partner Ian, Katrice niece’s husband, and others fighting cancer.

PRAYERS FOR: Lance – For America.

PRAISE GOD AND PRAYERS FOR: Katrice – She talked with her brother and he is feeling better. She is going to visit.

PRAISE GOD FOR: James’s mother sends praise & thanks for all our prayers.

PRAISE GOD FOR: James – All that people have given for his parents.

PRAYERS FOR: James- Cooler heads to prevail.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul – A path away from the violence.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul & Bill – Liz having surgery on 25th.

PRAYERS FOR: Dana- Safe travel for a friends daughter traveling to Wales & Scotland for a 2 week school trip.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul’s Dad’s younger brother hospitalized with heart issues.

PRAYERS FOR: Leslie, A friend in Tallahassee with cancer.

PRAYERS FOR: Paul M. – To resolve health care problems.

PRAYERS FOR: Paul M. – Family problems.

PRAYERS FOR: Paul M – Peace, Love, and Understanding,

PRAISE GOD FOR: Paul M – Healthcare.

PRAYERS FOR: Dana – Her daughter, Katy, for strength, and proper healing, as she recovers from her third wrist repair surgery, on top of caring for her mom, and Alden, and William after their accident.

PRAYERS FOR: All people who are struggling to live.

PRAYERS FOR: James – His friend to learn about Christ in an open-minded fair manner.

PRAYERS FOR: Dwight – Permanent Housing.

PRAYERS FOR: Katrice – Her car was side swiped – lots of damage – it would cost lots to get repaired.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Pastor Paul – Our health and for those in need.

PRAYERS FOR: AnnMarie and Darryl.

PRAYERS FOR: Lance – Whosoever.

PRAYERS FOR: Alyce – That the coyotes will stay away from my Sparky and my


PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul – Focus, and that he gets lots of rest.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul – An end to gun violence – People to have God’s wisdom in our lives.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Dana – Helping hands.

PRAYERS FOR: Katrice – That she will continue on her journey to not take herself seriously, but God will be there.

PRAYERS FOR: James P – That he keeps learning; accepting people where they are.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Maimarie – Friends who become family.

PRAYERS FOR: Keep the trans community in our prayers – they are great challenges facing them.

PRAYERS FOR: Hold on to love.

PRAYERS FOR: All the unadopted animals in the local shelters.

PRAYERS FOR: Katrice – Those in African countries that are enacting anti-LGBTQ laws.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Paul M – People doing God’s works.

PRAYERS FOR: Katrice – Continued prayers for the transgender community.


We continue to lift: Pastor Paul and Bill, Vicar Alyce, Sarah T., Katrice B., Wil, Rick D., Lance H. Monica H., Jeanne J., Jessica B., Mason J., Teresa K., James L., Rich O., Susan S., Jeff Carroll, Laury T., Lee Ann, Zan T., Elizabeth H., Dana O., Thomas B., Tim, Ricky, David, Tony, David, Ed, Maria, Jenny, Julius, Travis, Rickey, Darlene, Alex, Colin, John, Tyler, The Norton Family, Daniel, Gregg and Calvin, Dusty, Kenneth, Ernst, Luke, Willie, Genasie, Debby, Emanuel, Parker, Matthew and Prince, Jeff H, Robert K, James, Kris, Rich O., Mike T., Mike D., Dwight. And the saints of the Church: Pastor Judy, Pastor James Brewer-Calvert, Charles Harris, Amanda Gagnon (Founding Member),Wolf Thomas, (Founding Member), Constance F. Frederick, Rev. Paul M. Turner’s Mother, William Butler, Deacon Corey Hoblit, Father Warren Taylor, James Langston, Caroline Ray, Stanley Armstrong, Nancy VanDyke, (Founding Member) Ricky Lee Wilson, Teresa Kenny (Founding Member) Rev. Guy Kent, Robbin Brown (Founding Member), Calvin Smith, Justin McCord, Chuck S.

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