Prayers & Praises

LET US PRAY: Dear Lord, job stresses, family problems, marital strife, cause our lives to be difficult at times, and make it easy to lose track of ourselves and our connection to your strength. We come to you asking for a way to calm us down, center ourselves again, and remind us of all of Your great gifts. Through prayer, meditation, and reflection on the day, we draw on You to strengthen our faith but also provide us with enduring courage and wisdom while navigating these times of immense anxiety, stress, and worry. We bring these our prayers and praises to you. Amen

PRAYERS FOR: At 12 noon each Friday: about bringing justice, fairness and acceptance for our LGBT brothers and sisters. We are asking you to pray for equality before the law everyone and equal protection and treatment for all of God’s children.

PRAYERS FOR: Paul Mattingly’s family and friends.

PRAYERS FOR: Alyce – To find peace over Paul’s death.

PRAYERS FOR: Alyce – My health appointments this week.

PRAYERS FOR: Lance – Casey’s health. She had a seizure this morning. She seems fine now.

PRAYERS FOR: James – His mother lost her vision Friday night. It came back slowly but she has foggy vision. May her vision continue to improve – her eye doctor didn’t make her come in.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul – He is behind on things.

PRAYERS FOR: Billy – Bob Minor and Gary.

PRAYERS FOR: Lance – Everyone in civil service.

PRAYERS FOR: Lance – Rob has died.

PRAYERS FOR: Kristie – Healing after 50 stiches from removal of skin cancer on nose.

PRAYERS FOR: Kristie – Jerre Leather’s sister on his passing.

PRAYERS FOR: Maria – Her family and a cat that has diabetes.

PRAYERS FOR: Henry – Social Security.

PRAYERS FOR: Dan Chomen – His drivers license to be restored.

PRAYERS For – Dana – Employment for Lisa.

PRAISE GOD AND PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul – Keeping Billy safe at work.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Lance – He went to the doctor and has good cardiac health.

PRAISE GOD FOR: James – His blood pressure was good which means the treatment is working.

PRAYERS FOR: James – That he does things he needs to do to maintain his health. His parents & Hospice care needed.

PRAYERS FOR: Alyce – for Sparky who is having a few adjustments to make. The oxygen machine makes him stay outside.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul – He has his annual physical this week, may he find the reason for his check engine light which is on now.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul – Healing for Dana, James Peake, and Dan Chomen.

PRAYERS FOR: Kristy – Continued healing for her husband.

PRAYERS FOR: Kristy –Grandchildren who are fighting the flu / RSV; Kaiden, Charley Girl, Chloe, Cameron, & Carter.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Lance – The Hygiene Kits.

PRAISE GOD AND PRAYERS FOR: The emergency service and management personnel working to help others. Give them strength and keep them safe.

PRAYERS FOR: That all the homeless find warm shelter and food.

PRAYERS FOR: Rich – His mother having medical issues. His sister, Catherine, is her caretaker.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Alyce – Her bleeding isn’t from stomach – on to the next thing, whatever it is.

PRAYERS FOR: James P – His mother requests our prayers for healing for both herself, and James’ father. His father’s hospice service will be tapering off and then terminating. Prayers they can find another service to fill in the gap days.

PRAYERS FOR: Van – Peace in soul, spirit. That he can find peace.

PRAYERS FOR: Lance – Protection for Transgender people.

PRAYERS FOR: James P – Spiritual healing.

PRAYERS FOR: Maria – My job search, and for war refugees & homeless.

PRAYERS FOR: Billy – California dealing with the fire aftermath.

PRAYERS FOR: Maria – Those in war zones.

PRAYERS FOR: Maria – The unhoused during cold weather.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Bob Minor – Thank you Gentle Spirit for being there.

PRAYERS FOR: Kristie – All the people in California affected by the fires.

PRAYERS FOR: Bob Minor – Gary, sight and cancer recovery.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Rich O – New energy.

PRAYERS FOR: Rich O – Chris’s work challenges.

PRAYERS FOR: Richard Henderson – Physical recovery.

PRYERS FOR: Matthew – Employment.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Paul M – Peace, love, and understanding.

PRAYERS FOR: Brittany – Her brother, Richard, who is homelesss vet.

PRAYERS FOR: The nation and for everyone to stay calm.

  PRAYERS FOR: To keep all of us centered.

PRAYERS FOR: Those who aren’t with us.

PRAYERS FOR: Van – Financial challenges.

PRAYERS FOR: Comfort for those who still have missing family members.

PRAYERS FOR: Maria – The Middle East.

PRAYERS FOR: Aaron – Those struggling financially.

PRAYERS FOR: Aaron F – Donna taking care of her brother with a brain injury and memory loss.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Katrice – The blessing of worship here.

PRAYERS FOR: An end to the war in Ukraine.

PRAYERS FOR: All the war-torn places and troubled areas of the world, and all those people living in them.

PRAYERS FOR: James – That he can move in with someone who will also allow his cats.

PRAYERS FOR: Dana – Continued healing for her grandson, Alden.

PRAYERS FOR: Henry, Gary, Bob Minor’s partner Ian, Katrice niece’s husband, and others fighting cancer.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Paul – An end to gun violence – People to have God’s wisdom in their lives.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Maimarie – Friends who become family.

PRAYERS FOR: Keep the trans community in our prayers – they have great challenges facing them.

PRAYERS FOR: All the unadopted animals in the local shelters.

PRAISE GOD FOR: Paul M – People doing God’s works.

We continue to lift:

Pastor Paul and Bill, Vicar Alyce, Sarah T., Katrice B., Wil, Rick D., Lance H. Monica H., Jeanne J., Jessica B., Mason J., Teresa K., James L., Rich O., Susan S., Jeff Carroll, Laury T., Lee Ann, Zan T., Elizabeth H., Dana O., Thomas B., Tim, Ricky, David, Tony, David, Ed, Maria, Jenny, Julius, Travis, Rickey, Darlene, Alex, Colin, John, Tyler, The Norton Family, Daniel, Gregg and Calvin, Dusty, Kenneth, Ernst, Luke, Willie, Genasie, Debby, Emanuel, Parker, Matthew and Prince, Jeff H, Robert K, James, Kris, Rich O., Mike T., Mike D., Dwight,

And the saints of the Church: Pastor Judy, Pastor James Brewer-Calvert, Charles Harris, Amanda Gagnon (Founding Member),Wolf Thomas, (Founding Member), Constance F. Frederick, Rev. Paul M. Turner’s Mother, William Butler, Deacon Corey Hoblit, Father Warren Taylor, James Langston, Caroline Ray, Stanley Armstrong, Nancy VanDyke, (Founding Member) Ricky Lee Wilson, Teresa Kenny (Founding Member) Rev. Guy Kent, Robbin Brown (Founding Member), Calvin Smith, Justin McCord, Chuck S., Paul Mattingly.

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