Bible Study

Our weekly Bible study focuses on the powerful story of the great grandmother of King David, himself an ancestor of Jesus, and her quest to restore her family. All are welcome.

The Book of Ruth

A Commentary by John Currid The book has a greater purpose than simply being a moral story of human uprightness. The author tells a story that took place in the time of the judges (see commentary on Judges for more on this period), which is one where “there was no king in Israel” (Judges 21:25).…

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Advent 2025 Bible Study

What does it mean to wait for God? For this year’s Advent study, we will meet every Monday to discuss the following series of daily readings focused on the themes of waiting, timing, peace and presence. Here’s a suggested method for engaging with the daily readings: ASK God to connect with you here. In prayer,…

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Bible open beside green potted plants

How to study the Bible

Anyone has the ability to study the Bible, either independently or in a group. Here’s a guide.

  1. Start with a verse
    Read it several times through, ideally in more than one translation. Bible websites are a great resource for this.
  2. What is the intended audience?
    Who was the verse originally written for, or to? If you’re not sure, Wikipedia does a great job of explaining that.
  3. What is the message and context?
    What is the verse saying to its intended audience, and what was likely going on in their lives at the time?
  4. How does it help understand God better?
    What aspect of God’s nature or relationship to us is the author trying to convey to the intended audience?
  5. How does it inform my relationship to God?
    Based on everything above, what is the verse revealing to you personally about God?
Statue of Jesus

The hard sayings of Jesus

Inspired by the writings of Lloyd John Ogilvie, this sermon series examines some of the best-known sayings of Jesus, discusses what often confuses people about them, and offers insights into how they can be related to modern living.

Free to Make My Own Choices

The road to freedom

A six-part Bible study based on the following Lenten readings:

  • John 14:1-4, Ephesians 3:12-13, Acts 15
  • Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
  • Mark 7
  • Matthew 25:1-40, Micah 6:8
  • Mark 14:12-26, 1 Corinthians 11:17-26
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