Several times a year we distribute 350-500 personal hygiene kits to the homeless on the streets of Atlanta. Since starting our hygiene kits ministry in 2010, we have distributed thousands of kits. Our goal is to distribute 2,000 kits a year.
Our next distribution will be at 9am Sunday, August 30, 2015 in place of our regular Church Without Walls service. As with the regular service, we will meet in picnic Pavilion 2 in Candler Park.
During our last hygiene kits ministry on Sunday, May 31, 2015 we assembled 500 more hygiene kits for distribution to the homeless on the streets of Atlanta. We were joined by members of the Decatur Rotary Club, which along with First Christian Church of Decatur generously supports our hygiene kits ministry.
The hygiene kits ministry happens in three phases:
- Collection of hygiene kit supplies year-round. (Click here to see a list of what we collect; we can use your help!)
- Assembly of the hygiene kits on the date and time indicated above, at picnic Pavilion 2 in Candler Park in place of our regular Church Without Walls service.
- Distribution of the hygiene kits on the streets of Atlanta immediately following assembly of them.