A Prayer-Poem for Non-Violence

Dear Eternal Mother (or Father),
How does your peaceableness manifest
In sentiment, thought, deed, and spoken word?
Across these aspects of existence
Which peace-building arts would you instruct
Me in? A person’s haste I recompense
With deference, a person’s anger I
Toil to reward with calm compassion.
Yet, how shall I respond to arrogance,
Cold ridicule, or power-lust-propelled
Brutality? (Any suggestions here? I’m not quite a true pacifist!)
This world now trembles in
Her weariness of fiery blasts and blood-sopped
Bodies rending and insulting her
Life-nurturing skin. A new, invincible
Peace, whose practitioners fall never to
Vindictive wrath’s allure, nor break ranks for
Just cause by forceful means, must claim all lost
In strife, must give sight to those blind by rage,
And heal the earth of hatred’s scars at last!
Sweet, Gentle Goddess, whose touch eases hurts
Within, calms discord separating hearts,
And promises to heal earth’s wounds and rifts,
To your unbounded Spirit bind me tight!

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