Rev. Paul M. Turner

In Case We Forget

Most folks my age or older lived through a horrific part of our history in the USA during the 50’s and 60’s. A time when our cities burned both physically and with emotional hatred. A time that is burned deep into our hearts and souls. A time that even today has scars that go deep

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Rev. Paul M. Turner

This Ex-Homeless Man Will Challenge Everything You Think You Know about the Homeless

When the “Questing Parson” and I were sharing the same Church Building, at his invite of course; one day a man with long flowing thin hair, a full beard, glasses and a cane showed up and took up residence in the church breeze way. There was nothing unusual about this as Pastor Guy had always

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Rev. Paul M. Turner

Friday’s Trash

Is there no end to this trash we are subject to? I was referred to a book called, “A PARENTS GUIDE TO PREVENTING HOMOSEXUALITY” by Dr. Joseph NicolosiIn this groundbreaking book Joseph and Linda Ames Nicolosi uncovers the most significant factors that contribute to children’s healthy sense of themselves as male or female. The Nicolosis

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Rev. Paul M. Turner

Alone Time

Last Saturday evening around 8:30pm we got a call at home from one of Bill’s sisters saying that our sister-in-law Sheila had passed away. This was the wife of Bill’s second oldest brother Allen. She had developed a brain tumor a few years back and this was the end of a long battle of her

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Rev. Paul M. Turner

Coming Home

I stood in the emergency room of a local hospital with a young man who was barely 20, who was badly beaten and stabbed. He had been working the streets to get money for something to eat and a place to stay. He was on the streets because when his family found out he was

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Rev. Paul M. Turner

A House Divided

As I continue to write this blog, I praise God for the fact I have at least one regular reader, my mentor, my friend and sometimes my nightmare, “the Questing Parson. If you have not checked out his blog you should, it is one of the best. He told me in e-mail; “Blogging, when one

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Rev. Paul M. Turner

A House Divided

Two things have happened to me recently. One thing was I was finding it hard to explain what my vision for our community was about and to explain why that was hard to do. Then I was feeling increasingly frustrated with our community (GLBT). Then I read a couple of articles that suddenly put form

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