NOTICE: The Church Without Walls is meeting online during the COVID-19 outbreak until further notice. Click here for details.
The Easter Sunrise Service at the Church Without Walls in Atlanta’s Candler Park at 7:10am on Sunday, April 12th caps the 2020 Holy Week and Lenten observance for Gentle Spirit Christian Church, which includes:
- Thursday April 9th 7pm: Maundy Thursday service with First Christian Church of Decatur
- Friday April 10th at 7pm: Good Friday service with FCCD at the foot of the Cross
- Saturday April 11th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm: A day of prayer together
- Sunday April 12th Sunrise 7:10am: Easter Sunrise Service in Candler Park
- Sunday April 12th after service 8:30am: Breakfast Cookout
- Sunday April 12th 10:30am: Easter Celebration 11am with FCCD