New Testament and Homosexuality Teleseminar

Rev. Candace Chellew and Rev. Paul M. Turner

From Romans 1 to 1 Corinthians, GLBT people are told that the New Testament is a source of condemnation of their very lives. When people quote Bible verses against GLBT people, these two verses are most often used from the New Testament.

Our second part of the Homosexuality and the Bible teleseminar series has been scheduled. Here is the info:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2008
  • Time: 7 p.m. Eastern Time

In this upcoming seminar you’ll discover that these texts and other “clobber” passages from the New Testament are not texts of terror for GLBT, but instead re texts of hope and affirmation.

In this teleseminar you’ll learn:

  • Why Romans 2 is just as important as Romans 1
  • Why 1 Corinthians may hold more condemnation for those who condemn GLBT people
  • How to answer those who use these verses to condemn you

For a one-time tax-deductible donation of $5.00 to Whosoever you can join the call, receive a workbook and notes along with access to a recording of the call afterward.

Whether you’ve heard this material a million times or if this is the first time, you’ll come away blessed and able to defend yourself whenever someone tries to use Scripture to condemn you.

We want as many people as possible to be able to take advantage of this seminar so we’ve lowered our suggested donation to $5.00 to make sure the price is not too steep for anyone who wishes to be part of the call.

We look forward to “seeing” you on the call!

We had a blast at the Old Testament and Homosexuality teleseminar. Audio of that seminar is available here.

Rev. Candace and Pastor Paul

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