Our Holy Week observance ends with an Easter Sunrise Service in Atlanta’s Candler Park that marks the culmination of a Lenten journey of devotion, study and prayer. All are welcome.
- Maundy Thursday Service on April 6 at 7pm at First Christian Church of Decatur.
- Good Friday Service on April 7 at 7pm with First Christian Church of Decatur at the foot of the Cross on the front lawn.
- Holy Saturday Fasting and Prayer on April 8 from 10am-1pm in Candler Park, near picnic Pavilion 2.
- Easter (Resurrection) Sunday Sunrise Service on April 9 at 7:15am in Candler Park, picnic Pavilion 2, followed by a picnic breakfast.
- Easter Sunday Celebration Service on April 9 at 10:25am with First Christian Church of Decatur, in their main sanctuary.